HFD accessibility schemes

HFD makes the utmost effort and invests great resources to provide all customers equal, dignified, accessible and professional services. According to the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities 5758-1998 and the regulations enacted thereunder, extensive efforts and resources are invested in making necessary accessibility adjustments to ensure that persons with disabilities can enjoy the services provided to all customers in an independent, equal manner.

Building accessibility adaptations

Our main offices and logistic hub have the following accessibility adaptations:

Central office:

Address – 75 Gissin Street, Petach Tikva

Telephone – 052-4283036

Contact person – Dror Krici

Accessible parking – the complex does not have guest parking, but if you schedule your arrival in advance you will be assigned parking in the business complex.

Accessible route – yes

Accessible service point – an accessible desk with chairs and an induction loop system – yes

Accessible toilets – yes

Service accessibility – getting information by telephone, email and text messages. It is possible to get assistance through sign language interpretation or individual access accommodation (some of the requirements may require advance reservation)

There are two other branches at Haifa and Beit Shemesh that do not provide public service.

Automatic parcel lockers

Our company provides delivery services using automatic parcel lockers located nationwide. These lockers are currently being upgraded and accessible automatic machines with nationwide coverage are being replaced. Some machines have recently been introduced into service.

Our company considers providing accessible service to be a top priority. If there is no accessible locker in the locker service, the system will sent the parcel to the customer’s home at no extra cost.

The service is provided to persons with vision, mobility, hearing, mental and other disabilities.

Accessible customer service

Instructing of employees on accessible service – training is provided to familiarize staff with the accessibility fields, ensure awareness and provide practical tools for providing accessible service.

Accessible telephone desk – the voice response has been made accessible by offering information in clear language without background music.

Additional contact means – there are a number of other contact channels

Website accessibility

This website complies with the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (Service Accessibility Adaptations), 5773-2013.

The accessibility adjustments have been made in accordance with the recommendations of the Israeli standard (SI 5568) for accessibility of Internet contents at AA level and the international document.

The website has been tested for the highest conformance using the Chrome browser.

The website provides a semantic structure for supporting technologies and support for the standard usage pattern for operation with a keyboard using arrow keys, Enter and Esc to exit menus and windows.

It is adapted for display on common browsers and on mobile phones.

For the best browsing experience with screen readout software, we recommend using the most current NVDA program.

Operation of the website and accessibility aids

Accessibility menu – at the beginning of each page, you will find an accessibility menu that allows you to:

Resize the font

Change the color contrast

Skip directly to the page content, main menu or search bar using the keyboard

Stopping animation of texts and images, reducing clutter and distractions

Highlighting of links

Switching to “screen reader” mode

Switching to “keyboard navigation” mode

Changing texts to a more legible font

Sending feedback to the accessibility coordinator

All operations on the website may be done using the keyboard in the following manner: pressing Tab moves the focus to the next link and pressing Enter activates the link. Pressing Shift-Tab moves the focus to the previous link.

Adjustments for blind users – the website is suitable for users using screen reader software. The website includes:


Alternative texts for images

Division of the site into navigation areas and a summary concentration area and an option for switching between them

Use of ARIA for improving the accuracy of the screen reader

The website was made accessible through the Israel Website Accessibility Center.

Means of contact for requests and suggestions for improvement related to accessibility

It should be noted that we are continuing to make efforts to improve the company’s accessibility as part of our commitment to allowing the entire population, including persons with disabilities, to get the most accessible service.

If you encounter any problem or malfunction related to accessibility, we would be happy if you could update us. We will make every effort to find you a suitable solution and deal with the fault as soon as possible.

Accessibility declaration announcement: September 2, 2020

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